Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Cara Apply Guru Sandaran Negeri Johor

Setelah sekian lama menepek tak buat apa kat rumah (dompet pun semakin menipis), harini aku saja2 cuba nasib pergi PPD untuk apply guru ganti. 

PPD kat Pasir Gudang ialah dekat SK Kota Puteri. Dlm satu kawasan yg sama, tapi blok sebelah2 gitu. Mula2 aku bawak documents yg diperlukan je, tp rupanya nak kena isi online dulu. So, korang boleh isi dekat website ni

(website ni nama mersing kan, tp dont worry. PPD johor semua guna website ni).

So, lepas dah isi borang online ni, apa yg kita perlu buat ialah, print borang yg telah diisi ni. Basically, ada 4 dokumen yg kita kena hantar dekat PPD.

1. Printed online form.
2. Sijil tertinggi (ijazah/diploma/STPM/etcs).
3. Sijil SPM.
4. IC.

Semua ni yg photostat tau. Korang jgn bagi yang ori. Kang tak memasal susah nak cari kerja lain :p

Ok lah itu je. Kbye.
Assalamualaikum wbt.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Eid Adha 2018

Alhamdulillah, finally I had the chance to celebrate eid adha with my family. This time, we celebrated at Mak Andak's house, and we had 'pot-luck'. 

Ibu cooked ketupat, lepat, rendang ayam, lodeh.
I cooked sambal kacang.
Mak Long - sambal goreng.
Mak andak (Host) - ayam masak merah, sambal goreng, kari kaki ayam, orange juice.

It was fun, sitting together with your cousins, uncles and aunts, listened to their endless jokes and advices. I was so grateful, that I still had the chance to spend this precious time with them. Because next year wont be the same since I will start working as a houseman, InshaAllah.

Well, talking about Eid Adha. Do you remember the history behind this celebration? It is all about sacrifices. The moment Allah ordered Prophet Ibrahim AS to slaughter his son, Prophet Ismail AS (whom he just met) through series of dreams, it was actually the time when Allah wanted to test Prophet Ibrahim AS, either he will obey Allah, or not. 

Why Prophet Ibrahim had to slaughter Prophet Ismail AS? Still remember when Prophet Ibrahim had to leave Siti Hajar (his wife) and his newborn child, Prophet Ismail, because his first wife got jealous? Then Prophet Ibrahim AS came to his son's house when he was already an adult for 2 times but his son was not there. Then, finally they met, but then Allah ordered him to slaughter his son. Can you even imagine how much you miss your family after long time you havent seen them? Here, Allah wanted to test Prophet Ibrahim's loves, their patience, redha, and their tawakkal.

And Allah is the Most Great and Merciful, instead of Prophet Ismail, Prophet Ibrahim had to slaughter a goat. That was one of the best gifts from Allah to His servant who obeys what He told.

The same goes to us. Sometimes we dont know why we have so many problems and difficulties. We are so tired and hopeless, but little did we know that Allah actually wants to test us and He is preparing something wonderful for us. And we will get the gifts here, and hereafter. All we need to do is redha with the tests. With every hardships, comes ease.

He is the Most Forgiving.
He is the Most Loving.
How can we think that He will let us facing our hardships alone? :') 

Allah, I want a home near you in Jannah. :')

Image result for allah

Sunday, July 29, 2018

A Doctor, Finally

3rd July 2018.
Alhamdulillah, after 5 years of studying, 2 weeks of exams with 2 weeks of study week in between, finally the day of result announcement was here. Alhamdulillah, we passed medical school. :') 

Those sleepless nights, the day when I wondered why do I take medicine (haha), the day when I secretly cried alone, the day when I told my mom that I am okay when I am actually not, and the day when I felt so tired. That hardworks have finally paid off

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.. Thank you everyone for praying for me, keep giving me motivations. My biggest support : ibu, ayah, abang, kakak, mak usu, families, my best friends (Syiera n Fairuz; these 2 girls yang keep motivating me since my 1st yr of med school, my akhawat, my batchmates, my friends,and everyone who has pray for me secretly, dan semua lah.

 It was so surreal. It was so hard to believe. "I am gonna leave my friends, I am gonna leave India, I am gonna be a doctor, more responsibility after this." And I am not ready! 😢 

Please pray for me. I hope I can be a safe and competent doctor for my patients. InshaAllah. 


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Two Is Better Than One

"So maybe it's true that I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one"

Lately, I am so fall in love with this lyrics by Taylor Swift. Two is better than one. Dulu pun suka dengar lagu ni, tapi sbb yang tak matured la. Huhu. But now, the whole situation has changed. :)


Harini rasa agak tak bermaya. Sebab tak dapat coklat kot? :p 
Dan Allah hadiahkan seseorang untuk pergi teman makan kek dkt Wild Sugar. Tapi ada jugak rasa nak pergi makan kek sorang-sorang. Something got so mixed up in my mind and i just need fresh air. Tapi Kak X ni nak ikut jugak. So, okay, jom lah. 

Kak X ni, she really an inspiration to me. Diuji berkali-kali, tapi dia tetap kuat, well, of course, mestilah ada air mata yang menitis di awal ujian tu kan. (And dia dikenali sebagai seorang yang agak berahsia). I asked her, 


Me : Akak, apa yang buatkan akak kuat? I mean, akak pernah tak salahkan DnT ke?

X : Hmm.. tak pulak. Akk rasa, DnT ni yang kuatkan akak. Kan awak tahu, dulu akak tak ramai kawan. Tapi alhamdulillah, dalam DnT, akak rasa dihargai. Lagipun, DnT kan penyelamat. Akak nak selamat dkt dunia, tapi takkan akak nak tinggalkan DnT kan?

Me : Betul.. (Subhanallah, serious dalam hati rasa wow! sgt).

X : Lagipun, ye lah awal2 akak down sbb ujian tu, tapi sekarang akak lebih risau kan orang sekeliling akak. Macam mana penerimaan mereka pada apa yang akak sampaikan. Macam mana parents akak punya reaction.

Me : Akak ni kuat lah. Akak ok tak sekarang? :(


Tiba-tiba lepas Maghrib dapat satu gambar dari akak tu, she said

X : This is how I feel right now. (gambar orang kat tengah2 between hope and fear).

Me : It's okay akak. You are an inspiration to me. Akak kuat. Be strong. It's okay to express your feelings. Let others know how you feel.

X : Akak belajar express kan perasaan akak lepas kawan dengan awak & M.. :'D

Me : It's okay. Two is better than one. ;)


Ada beberapa akhawat, yang sangat perahsia. Then I told one of them yang rapat dengan aku, "Cerita je. Walaupun I cant help you that much, at least kita akan rasa lega bila cerita kan someone." 

Sebab tu Allah ciptakan manusia, untuk melengkapi each other. Ya, memang yang pertama kita rujuk bila ada masalah ialah Allah. Tapi Allah tak menidakkan bahawa naluri dan fitrah seorang manusia itu ialah untuk didengari dan ditemani. That's why Allah menciptakan Hawa untuk menemani dan menguatkan Adam.

Same goes to our ukhuwah. Your akhawat mungkin tak dapat menyelasaikan masalah tu, tapi at least, ada someone yang boleh menguatkan kita dengan kata-katanya.


Pada saat ni, I really want to thank my akhawats and also my bffs yang jauh di Malaysia, who keep on motivating me since my first year in India. Only Allah knows how important they are to me.

Oleh itu, duhai diri sendiri, stop lah sedih sorang-sorang. Stop rasa diri tak dihargai. For in reality, there are lots of people who care for you. And do not forget, Allah loves you more than you can imagine.

"Sesungguhnya, orang-orang mukmin itu bersaudara" (al-Hujurat :10)